Thursday, November 7, 2013

Project 2: Glitter Land

     This project was a fun, yet difficult to do. I decided to create a glitter land because I love things that shine, sparkle, or shimmer! I used over 50 layers in this project. It was difficult to find the pictures I wanted to use, and match the color of that in glitter. Once I got the pictures, it was difficult to "cut them out" of their original picture. My favorite part was doing the gold glitter mountains. I'm not really happy with the overall appearance of this project, but it helped me learn more about photoshop.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Project 1: Squid-Mer

  This project was the first picture I ever made on photoshop. It was quite a challenge to figure out how to work everything, but I eventually got the hang of it. The assignment was to morph two different animals together. Once I received this assignment, I immediately thought of a project I did last year. I drew and painted a Mermaid with a squids head. It was a tough task, but it turned out being one of my favorite projects. This inspired me to create a more life like image of what I once created on paper. It was not easy, but I liked the way it turned out. It was especially hard to blend the colors and match the who pictures together so it looked real. It was a fun project that taught me how to use photoshop. Aside from the small details and their imperfections, I think this is pretty good fro my first time on photoshop.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Project 7: Dry Paint Heart

This project was one of the hardest project I've done. I used globs of paint for this project. I let the globs dry and then broke them appart and glued them to my drawing of a heart. After the dry paint was all glued on, I painted over the colors to make them more vibrant and colorful. I added purples and greens to make the red pop. This project was very sucesssful, and it worked as a great gift.

Project 6: Skeleton Tentacles

This project is one of my favorites. It also goes along with the skeleton theme. It took a long time to do, and I'm very proud of it. I shaded the bones with pen, which is something I haven't done before. it was hard to do, but I liked the way it turned out. I'm really obsessed with skeletons and tentacles for some reason, so I thought it would be cool to mix the together. I think it turned out really good.

Project 5: Sunflower Bones.

This project went along with he theme of skeletons. It was actually harder to do than it looks. I had to draw the flower first, then add all the bones to if afterwords. I used colored pencils to add more to it. I thought about leaving it black and white, but a lot of my projects had been lacking color. I really liekd the way this turned out, and I want to do more projects like it.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Project 4: Face and a Bow Tie

Well, this project was originally a sunflower painting, and I was basically all done with it, but someone got clay all over it, so I had to re paint it all. While I was repainting it, I just didn't feel like making the sunflower all over again. Even though I really liked it the first time I did it, I just wanted to do something new. I don't really know why I decided to paint this. I just thought it looked unique and it wasn't the typical painting of a face you would see. I like bow ties, so I decided incorporate that into it. It was fairly easy to paint, but making the small lines of precise was hard. I guess if I were to do this again, I would add more detail and make colors pop more, but I like how it turned out overall.