Monday, May 13, 2013

Project 7: Dry Paint Heart

This project was one of the hardest project I've done. I used globs of paint for this project. I let the globs dry and then broke them appart and glued them to my drawing of a heart. After the dry paint was all glued on, I painted over the colors to make them more vibrant and colorful. I added purples and greens to make the red pop. This project was very sucesssful, and it worked as a great gift.

Project 6: Skeleton Tentacles

This project is one of my favorites. It also goes along with the skeleton theme. It took a long time to do, and I'm very proud of it. I shaded the bones with pen, which is something I haven't done before. it was hard to do, but I liked the way it turned out. I'm really obsessed with skeletons and tentacles for some reason, so I thought it would be cool to mix the together. I think it turned out really good.

Project 5: Sunflower Bones.

This project went along with he theme of skeletons. It was actually harder to do than it looks. I had to draw the flower first, then add all the bones to if afterwords. I used colored pencils to add more to it. I thought about leaving it black and white, but a lot of my projects had been lacking color. I really liekd the way this turned out, and I want to do more projects like it.