Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Project 1: Squid-Mer

  This project was the first picture I ever made on photoshop. It was quite a challenge to figure out how to work everything, but I eventually got the hang of it. The assignment was to morph two different animals together. Once I received this assignment, I immediately thought of a project I did last year. I drew and painted a Mermaid with a squids head. It was a tough task, but it turned out being one of my favorite projects. This inspired me to create a more life like image of what I once created on paper. It was not easy, but I liked the way it turned out. It was especially hard to blend the colors and match the who pictures together so it looked real. It was a fun project that taught me how to use photoshop. Aside from the small details and their imperfections, I think this is pretty good fro my first time on photoshop.