Thursday, February 9, 2012

Photography as a Career

  Photography is something I've always been interested in. I think its amazing how many stories one photo can tell. I've never really liked to have my picture taken, so I was always the one taking them. It would be amazing to have a career in photography. Its always been one of my dreams to become a fashion photographer for a big magazine because I love to take pictures of people, but I also like taking pictures of objects and landscapes. Those dreams might be a little far fetched, but I wouldn't mind having a home business and taking senior pictures or wedding pictures. It would also be amazing to travel the world and take pictures for journalists. 
  The average photographer makes between $14,000 and 54,748. The median salary that a fashion photographer can get is between $25,000 and 40,000. I honestly don't care how much I get paid. As long as I can be stable and love what I'm doing. If I went to the Art Institutes, I would probably have to go to school for 3 or 4 years. I would hopefully be working with other photographers and get opportunities to take photos for other businesses. Even though there might be ups and downs, I would still love to do this for a living.



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