Thursday, November 29, 2012

Project 3: Inked Octopus

   I wanted to do an octopus painting because of my last project, but I didn't have this in mind at first. One day in art I had painted a piece of paper this blue green color, and then I accidentally splattered  black paint on it.  The splatter mark actually reminded me of an octopus tentacle, so I went with it. After I painted to head and added more tentacles, I splattered gold paint to add more color. This project was kind of easy, but it took a lot of guts. While splattering the paint, I never knew if the paint was going to fall the way I wanted it to. Luckily, it did. Over all I'm happy with this project.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Project 2; Skeleton Mermaid-Octopus

I chose to do this project not only because it went with my skeleton theme, but because I love mermaids! One might forget that is is a mermaid because of the octopus head, but it is. I think the octopus head makes it unique. I originally didn't plan on having the octopus head, but as I started drawing it just came to me. I painted the background first. It was originally just a tan color, but I decided to add texture with different colors to make it look like sand. The skeleton tail was the hardest thing to paint. I had to make really little and straight paint strokes. Once I decided not to paint a face on the octopus, I thought adding glitter would make it pop. I'm really happy with the way this project turned out. It is one of my favorites.

Art 3, Project 1: Skeleton Cut Out

    This project was definitely took awhile. I chose a skeleton theme for my three projects because I wanted a challenge. Skeletons are not an easy thing to create. It took me several weeks to draw the skeleton and cut it out of the black paper. Once I got it all cut out, I placed it over a simple white paper that I painted with a light red and purple watercolor, and placed lace over top of the watercolor. After that, it still seemed too dull, so I decorated the black paper with swirls drawn with white colored pencil. Although this project didn't turn out exactly how I expected, I'm still happy with it. If I did it over again, I think I would take more time on it, and make sure it was perfect!